Page name: Undead Zoo! Facility Daycare 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-14 07:26:07
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
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Facility Daycare:

Theme song is 'In My Arms' by Plumb.

This is where the Facility's children stay while their parents work.

Outside the Daycare:


Inside the Daycare:


Return to: Undead Zoo!

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2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Do you think we should have a pic for the outside area for the daycare?

2013-09-20 [Kbird]: hmmmm maybe.... to kinda separate it better

2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]:

I found a few...


2013-09-20 [Kbird]: five or 7?

2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm.... How about Five?

Or should we wait for ancient's opinion?

2013-09-20 [Kbird]: ancient can throw in her two cents~ then will see everyones favorite

2013-09-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok. :D

It's your turn by the way.

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: Five looks like it'd fit the style of the facility best.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: okay!

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: OK! :D

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: I found a song and I want to know if you guys think it'll be a good theme song for the daycare.

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: What is it?

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: In my arms by Plumb

Your baby blues, so full of wonder
Your curly cues, your contagious smile
And as I watch, you start to grow up
All I can do is hold you tight

Knowing clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms

Story books full of fairy tales
Of kings and queens and the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
You'll someday see the truth from lies

When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms

Castles they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
But you are never all alone
Because I will always, always love you

When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms, in my arms

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: YES!!! XD

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Or how about Baby Don't You Cry by Quincy Coleman?

when the world is gray and bleak
baby don't you cry
i will give you every bit of love, that's in my heart
i will bake it all, into a simple little pie

baby don't you cry
gonna make a pie
gonna make a pie with the heart in the middle

baby don't be blue
gonna make for you
gonna make a pie with the heart in the middle

gonna be a pie from heaven above
gonna be filled with strawberry love
baby don't you cry
gonna make a pie
and hold you forever in the middle of my heart

baby here's the sun
baby here's the sky
baby i'm your light and i'm your shelter
baby you are mine, i could freeze the time
keep you in my kitchen with me forever

gonna bake a pie from heaven above
gonna be filled with strawberry love
baby don't you cry
gonna make a pie
and hold you forever in the middle of my heart

oohhhhh oohhhhh oohhhhh oohhhhh

gonna bake a pie from heaven above
gonna be filled with butterscotch love
gonna bake a pie from heaven above
gonna be filled with banana cream love
baby don't you cry
gonna bake a pie and hold you forever
and hold you forever
and hold you forever in my heart

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: Hmmm I think in my arms~

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alrighty then. :D

Wonder what ancient thinks.

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: I prefer the second one.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: O.O oh.....hmmmmm

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hmm.... Should we ask william to be the tie breaker?

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: yes

2013-09-21 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: First one

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: Night.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: night

2013-09-21 [ancienteye]: Temporarily back. May get kicked off any moment.

2013-09-21 [Kbird]: okay

2013-09-21 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok, First it is. :D

2013-09-22 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's turn is it?

2013-09-22 [Kbird]: I think sean should respond to being hit

2013-10-09 [Kbird]: I think it's Fufu turn!

2013-10-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok.

2013-10-10 [ancienteye]: ...I seriously don't know how to answer that question. :/

2013-10-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Really?

2013-10-10 [ancienteye]: Really. :/ Fuyu's first impulse would be to insult Sean and seem like a bully, and I don't know how Sean would answer. >.<

2013-10-10 [Kbird]: ^-^' hope I helped

2013-10-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2013-10-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: Who's turn is it?

2013-10-31 [Kbird]: isn't Isaac the shy one?

2013-10-31 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, that's why he's blushing. Heehee

2013-11-09 [Kbird]: he's so cute!!

2013-11-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: I know! Someone's got puppy love. XD

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: puppy love is sooooo cute!

2013-11-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: It is. :D

2013-11-10 [Kbird]: should we wait for ancient?

2013-11-10 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah.

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: poor Sean

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: He's going to be such a grump. XP

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: XD he and Yuki are adorable friendenemies~

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: They are~

2014-02-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep

2014-03-26 [Kbird]: Sean, Alamar, Fuyu, Momo....any of the kids have anything to say?

2014-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nope, wait isn't Abigail with them too?

2014-03-26 [Kbird]: Oh yeah sorry

2014-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol I kind of forgot too, but none of mine have anything to say.

2014-03-26 [Kbird]: Even Abby?

2014-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Nope, she's just watching and waiting for the egg hunt.

2014-03-26 [Kbird]: Okay.

2014-03-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep.

2014-03-28 [Kbird]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1395980066.jpg>

2014-03-28 [ancienteye]: Nice.

2014-04-06 [Kbird]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/190343/1396819865.png>

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki thoughts on this: >:0 Abby's mine!!

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Abigail just wanted to pair up with someone and Jake and Issac were closest.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: XD I figured but Yuki can get clingy.

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Have you ever seen a TV show called Supernatural?

2014-04-08 [ancienteye]: Yes.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Only the first season and a half

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: I created a character in it named Amber and I named her parents Yuki and Abigail. XD

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: XD coool!! Do you have a picture of her?

Yuki: 0////////////////////0 I wanna see....please...

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: No, but I can make one. :D

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: XD okay!!

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: I made Abigail an angel and Yuki a shadow demon, so Amber is half angel and half shadow demon.

So her appearance changes slightly when her shadow demon side takes over.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: cool! =D

Yuki: :3 Abby is like an angel~

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Amber's shadow demon half doesn't have a very imaginative name, it's Shadow. lol

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: XD nice

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]:

They didn't have the right green for Shadow's eyes so just picture her eyes a bright neon green that almost glow.


2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: =____= Shadow...has to much skin showing.

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Shadow: Hey, cool it, I wear a trench coat. They just didn't have any in the game, just capes.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: You better.. *protective glances to make sure no guys are ogling her*

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Amber: *giggles* Dad's protective.

Shadow: *rolls eyes*

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: My daughter has her moms giggle! XD

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Amber: Thanks dad.

Abigail: *smiles*

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: *hugs broth of them*

Yuki a dweeby dad <img:ws23.gif>

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Shadow: *sighs and pats Yuki's back*

Amber: *happily hugs Yuki*

Abigail: *joins in on the hugging*

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: ^-^ I love you~ *looks at Shadow* but I'm still getting you new tops.

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Shadow: Alright, fine.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: ^-^ *ruffles her hair* good~

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Shadow: Ack! Watch the hair.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: Yuki: You can comb it out later~

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Shadow: *sighs* Alright.

2014-04-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Are Rose, Fuyu or Sean going to say anything?

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: I was waiting on SeanxFuyu.

2014-04-08 [Kbird]: XD and the battle is on!

2014-04-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: There's Sean, Fuyu, Momo, Alamar, Jake, Isaac, Zane, Rose and Abigail. So there can be three teams with three members each.

2014-04-09 [Kbird]: XD yay! Math equals out!

2014-04-09 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep. :D

2016-08-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Kira.

2016-08-14 [Kbird]: Yes?

2016-08-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Just letting you know there was a second page.

2016-08-14 [Kbird]: Thanks

2016-08-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: No problem, kind of forgot this part existed myself. lol

2016-08-14 [Kbird]: XP

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